Questions to a wild swimmer

On a winter’s morning of wind and gusting rain, I watched a ‘wild swimmer’ come in from the sea. I asked her a few questions. Here are her answers.

“Keeps me sane. It’s my moment. You’re out in nature, and have no idea what conditions are going to meet you. And no-one can get hold of you. You are alone with your thoughts in the water. It’s very meditative.”

How often do you go? Where do you go? When do you go? How do you swim when it’s so cold?

“Once a day at least, every day. Varies according to conditions. In Denmark I swim all year. If it’s icy my swims are shorter. If I’m in good condition and feeling strong, I can do more. I have to listen to my body. One day I can swim far, but the next day if I’m tired, or stressed, or haven’t slept well, or haven’t eaten well, I can’t do it. I like to be in my depth when it gets below ten degrees, and the colder it gets the more mentally aware I have to be. I have to know whether or not I can still touch finger to thumb. When I get out I feel fabulous, but lasts max five minutes, and in that time I have to get dressed and warm. First thing is to put something on my head. Best thing once I’m dressed is to have hot tea so I can warm from the inside out. Sometimes I’m shaking so much I can’t lift the cup to my mouth. I only wear a wetsuit if I’m swimming over a kilometer or in an event. I’m entering an event in January. I’ll only swim 25m.”

Did you do cold water training before you started this swimming?

“No. You pick this info up. I prefer summer swimming, but I enjoy the winter. If conditions are bad I’ll always try to be with someone. I go swimming at about seven in the morning.”

Who else is out there when you go swimming in Denmark?

“It’s fantastic because the age range is from teens to 88 year olds. Anyone can do it, and any shape. It’s a very inclusive sport. Both men and women are out there all through the year. In the long distance swimming it’s a fairly even mix too.”

Do you enjoy it?

“It’s fantastic. I can do it anywhere – the sea, a river, a lake. The best bit is being able to swim from somewhere to somewhere … and that anyone mad enough to do it can join in.”

Copyright Georgie Knaggs & The Phraser 2023

Interview with watercolour artist, Frances Simpson (my sister-in-law)

Frances Simpson – Kenyan watercolour artist

‘Interview’ is quite a grand word for what was really a snatch of questions, but I did manage a few. Here’s what I found.

Frances Simpson (known to many as Franny) has painted in watercolour for years, encouraged, she told me, by her husband’s wedding gift to her…a studio.

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Interview (2012) with Allen Parton founder of Hounds For Heroes

In 2012 I read a book called Endal about a yellow labrador and his owner Allen Parton. This interview followed, and was written up before The Phraser existed.

The Phraser

Article written for Round & About magazine, new content coming soon!

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